Tell Us About Your Digital Accessibility Needs
We’re gathering information from our priority populations to help us understand current challenges and opportunities related to the accessibility of digital educational materials provided and used in schools, and we need your help.
We’re interested in learning how NCADEMI can assist with communication challenges around accessible digital educational materials, improving practices around accessible products and services, preparation for the use of accessible digital educational materials, and improving policies around accessibility in elementary and secondary education.
There are two ways to participate, depending on your role and preference:
National Digital Accessibility Needs Surveys
Surveys take between 5-15 minutes to complete and are targeted at NCADEMI’s priority technical assistance populations. Choose from the following:
- State educational agency (SEA) survey
- Local educational agency (LEA) and school survey
- Part C lead agency, early intervention program, and early childhood education program survey
- Pre- and in-service educator and administrator preparation program survey
- OSEP-funded Parent Center survey
- OSEP-funded Technical Assistance & Dissemination Center and Stepping-up Technology Project survey
National Digital Accessibility Needs Listening Tour for SEAs and LEAs
Three 90-minute virtual question-based sessions are open to current SEA and LEA administrators and staff whose job responsibilities relate to the accessibility of digital educational materials provided and used in elementary and secondary education. Choose the listening session that works for your schedule and let us know how NCADEMI can support you and your team.
We’re looking for teachers, paraprofessionals, school-based therapists, AT specialists, educational and information technology leaders, principals, directors, superintendents, and more. Read an informational letter and submit your interest form today!
Research Information
NCADEMI’s National Digital Accessibility Needs Surveys and Listening Tour are research studies approved by Utah State University’s Institutional Review Board. As a participant, you will be required to read and sign an informed consent form prior to providing your input.
Questions about these research opportunities can be directed to Dr. Brenda Smith, Principal Investigator, at